Roman Guard Helmet

item code HT-A009

Roman Guard Helmet The regular Roman soldier was a well-equipped and well-trained soldier. They were armed and armored, with most soldiers e ...

Roman Guard Helmet The regular Roman soldier was a well-equipped and well-trained soldier. They were armed and armored, with most soldiers even wearing the Roman Trooper Helmet in order to provide the most protection possible on the field of battle. This helmet has the original look and feel of a classic Roman helmet, featuring a rounded cap with a visor, as well as a protective tail in the rear, located at the base of the neck. The forehead of the helmet features a protective rim, while the sides of the helmet features hinged flap protection, designed to cover and protect the face. The helmet is made from 18 gauge polished carbon steel and features attractive brass accents, including circular accents located on the flap protectors and along the forehead rim of the helmet. Brass also accents the rim of the helmet's forehead and open ears. Medieval Edge is commited for excellent quality to its customers.

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